I give homemade gifts
It's difficult to be more involved when you give a gift that you have made yourself: imagine the object that would please a particular person, choose the color that could make their eyes light up, make the gift thinking of her.... it's also offering a small part of yourself.
A Special Gift for a Special Person
For those who love JEWELRY
I want to make them and give them away!They like to match their jewelry to their outfit, change their earrings every day, spend hours sliding pearls through their fingers.
For them, with very little paper, you will make these magnificent paper beads , these bracelets , necklaces , jewelry , earrings, astonishing in their lightness and finesse.
the Castafiore Box , the Coven Box or the Ring Box ... will be the perfect settings for these magnificent jewelry
For Foodies
I want to make them and give them away!They love YOUR delicious chocolates , YOUR exquisite little shortbreads , YOUR divine meringues, YOUR fondant truffles, YOUR colorful fruit jellies.
Well, you'll do something for everyone!
But they need a pretty box to present and offer them!
The Charlie Boxes are perfect settings for your treats , the Ginko Trio Just waiting for your biscuits, Simone's Ballotin is irresistible with its bags of homemade tea or herbal tea.
For readers and stationery lovers
I want to make them and give them away!They like the touch of paper, they like collecting and reading books , they like collecting notebooks , bookmarks , and pencils....
The Odilette Bookmark Box , with its paper lace bookmarks and its elegant box, is for them! The perpetual calendar is just as much, with its 12 plates to personalize. And they will also fall in love with the charming art deco style notepad holder , or the handbag pen holder....
For those who love handbags
I want to make them and give them away!They like to collect accessories like handbags , clutches , they like to match the style and color of their bag to their outfit, they like to have the choice , they like to be elegant at all times, even and especially when they go out. or are traveling.
So, they will love discovering the elegant Olympe clutch and its paper lace, the small soft city bag , the Mary evening bag or the adorable Holly handbag . And for elegant globetrotters, the Amélia travel sewing kit or the extraordinary Poppins vanity case will dazzle them.
For those who like things to be in their place
I want to make them and give them away!They like each object to be stored in its intended place: They like the keys in the entryway pocket , the jewelry in the small tray in the bedroom, the pencils in the pencil holder ...
They also like these objects to be beautiful , to fit in and contribute harmoniously to their interior.
For them, I created the Gentle , Zig Zag or Diamant pocket trays , the Etoile or Gentle pencil and brush pots, the Diana trays :
So many different styles, to be multiplied endlessly to personalize your gifts even more finely.
For those who love photos
I want to make them and give them away!They like to take photos of the people they care about , children, grandchildren, everywhere with them. They like to look at photos of memories of parties, vacations, loved ones, when they go from one room to another in the house.
Nestled in the handbag, the photo triptych can be taken everywhere, slips into every bag, carrying precious little photos. And the easy tutorial allows you to adapt the model to all photo formats. The Cavroy photo holder , for its part, allows you to change photos and style in the blink of an eye: original.